Monday, August 15, 2011


  Last night my wife and I, along with another couple from our church, attended a Chicago concert at a waterfront venue known as Pier Six, in Baltimore. Pier Six is an open air, large tent arrangement that sits at the Inner Harbor of Charm City. On this particular 80 degree evening, as we were enjoying the music of a great band from the 60's & 70's, I had a church planting epiphany.
  I became an adolescent in the 60's and an adult in the 70's. While not sheltered from the prevailing cultural environment of sex, drugs and Rock’n’Roll, I was nonetheless separated from it by my personal faith. I was somewhat familiar with the popular bands of that era but not immersed in them. I did not attend a single ‘secular’ concert during that period. Fast forward a few decades and here I am, a church planter, attending and enjoying a ‘secular’ concert with thousands of ‘heathen.’
   One of my church planting influencing texts is 1 Corinthians 9 where Paul talks about his own transformation from a ‘good Jewish boy’ to a ‘color outside of the lines’ Jesus promoting missionary. He was obviously driven by the incarnational principle of ‘becoming.’ Just as Jesus became flesh that sinners might be reconciled to God, so Paul felt compelled to become ‘barbarian, slave, free,’ etc. for the same reason. I am convinced that he went through a serious learning curve respecting what that meant since those were places, people and cultural practices foreign to his experience. It became obvious at the time that the traditionalists of his day felt like he had crossed the line. Thank God, he stood his ground and proved them wrong.
  Church planting has to be about right motives. I have known some who were in it for other reasons, like those who so wanted to be known as ‘Pastor’ that they saw planting as the way of achieving that distinction. What they fail to do was connect with the culture that didn’t share their personal need for recognition. Because I knew my calling was to reach a ‘Rock’n’Roll’ generation I find myself sitting at a Chicago concert in 2011.
  The incarnational journey has been interesting. I have been attending ‘secular’ concerts now for the last 18 years and have seen Journey, Lynyrd Skynyrd, 38 Special, Stray Cats, Bob Dylan, Elvis Costello, ZZ Top, Dennis DeYoung (Styx), Hank Williams Jr., Crosby, Stills and Nash to name a few, plus a Pink Floyd tribute band. In these venues I have been groped, hit on, flashed and offered a joint. How has that helped in church planting? I invariably run into people I know who need Jesus and in that moment and venue I become real to them and they, in turn, tell their friends who they saw at that concert. In Paul's words, "I become..... that by all possible means I might save some."

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